Creating a brand account
Go to our sign-up page and create an account. The email you enter will be your login. Account overview and settings Dashboard Your overview of sales (revenue), orders and number of connected products on your retailers' stores. Product library This is where all your products will show. These are the products your retailers can buy from you - either wholesale or dropshipping. Orders All your orders will be visible here, with options to fiFeaturedWelcome to Stedger - Supplier
This is a step-by-step guide that will help you get started with Stedger and understanding every aspect of it. Introduction video Integrating your data or shop The first step is integrating your products - by file upload or through integration. Depending on what platform you use, you can find a more in-depth guide here. Share your products with retailers In order to distribute yoFew readersImport product data
Your first step after Creating a brand account is to import your products. Importing your products to Stedger is needed in order to share them with your connected retailers later on. There are three main ways to do this: Import a CSV file directly, from a URL or FTP server. Import CSV Import from URL Import from FTP If your braFew readersShare product data
Your next step after Importing your product data is sharing it with new and existing retailers. You determine which retailers are able to access your products. You can share your product data in two ways: Invite new retailers Simply send out invitations directly from your account: Go to retailers and click "Invite retailer" in the top right. Type in the email for the retailer you wish to invite and click "Send invite".Few readersManaging orders
After sharing your products, orders are easily managed and the status of an order is updated directly with your resellers. You can manage your orders in two ways. Manual The first is to manage them directly in your Stedger account: Go to orders, to find an overview of all orders. (We notify you about new orders via email.) Choose the order you wish to manage. Here you can see which products has been sold and the contact & shipping informaFew readers