Articles on: Getting started - retailers

Customize your settings

It's a good idea to go through the settings and do an initial customization before you start publishing products.

Go to Settings in Stedger an find the following menu items:


Add your invoice mail
Add the VAT number for your company - remember your country code

When you're ready to become a Stedger customer, you can also add your credit card here - either before or after the 14 days free trial.


Auto-forward orders.

If enabled, dropshipping orders will be placed with the brands right away automatically.

Learn more about how dropship orders work.

Max estimated delivery.

If a product has a delivery time longer than the specified number, the stock will be set to 0 in your shop.

Sender address.

This will be sent to the brand and used as a sender address when products are shipped to your customers.

Shipping mapping.

Specify what shipping method your customer has chosen in your shop.
The shipping option name has to match exactly with the name of the shipping option in your store.
Note: If a brand doesn't offer the specific shipping option or carrier, another option will be chosen by them. This should be agreed upon with each brand directly.

Purchase orders

Fill out your address information in order to place wholesale orders with the brands through Stedger.


Always use RRP if available.

If this option is enabled, the recommended retail price will always be set as the product price on your store - as long as the brand provides an RRP.

RRP multiplier.

If you enable this option, the price will be a multiplier of RRP. For instance: RRP x 1.1 will be a 10% increase from the RRP.

Cost price multiplier.

You can calculate a price based on the cost price (including or excluding dropship fees).

If option 1 is enabled, this will only be in effect for products that don't have an RRP.

Cent value.

Enable this to ensure all your products end with a certain number. For instance 99 or 00 - so prices are 120.99 or 120.00 instead of for example 120.45.

Team members

You can invite your team members. Click in the top-right, insert the email and invite. It's completely free and they'll have access to everything in your account.

Email preferences

We send out emails whenever a new orders are received, rejected or whenever an orders has been fulfilled.

You can edit your preferences by clicking your name in the top right, and then click "Profile".

Next step

Start selling

Updated on: 11/04/2024

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