Calculated prices
You can make automated changes to your sale price directly in Stedger.
Go to Settings > Products - here you can find some different options.
Always use RRP if available
If a RRP (Recommended Retail Price) is available for a product, it will be used instead of the calculated value from the 2 options below.
Calculate price
If you fill out “RRP x”, it will set a new sell price that is RRP (Recommended Retail Price) multiplied by the number you fill in the field. This is including VAT.
If you fill out “Cost price x”, it will set a sell price that is calculated by multiplying your cost by the number you filled out. This will set a sell price including VAT.
Cent value
Want your prices to look good?
Add a 2-digit number and Stedger will make sure that all prices end with that. For instance “99” will be 10.99 or 215.99.
Go to Settings > Products - here you can find some different options.
Always use RRP if available
If a RRP (Recommended Retail Price) is available for a product, it will be used instead of the calculated value from the 2 options below.
Calculate price
If you fill out “RRP x”, it will set a new sell price that is RRP (Recommended Retail Price) multiplied by the number you fill in the field. This is including VAT.
If you fill out “Cost price x”, it will set a sell price that is calculated by multiplying your cost by the number you filled out. This will set a sell price including VAT.
Cent value
Want your prices to look good?
Add a 2-digit number and Stedger will make sure that all prices end with that. For instance “99” will be 10.99 or 215.99.
Updated on: 22/02/2024
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